My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Thursday, 21 December 2006

29,30,31 days - 19,20 and 21st Dec 2006

I was not able to blog for the past three days because I'd been little busy with my daughter's b'day and preparation for holiday etc. We are leaving to Dubai on 23rd and looking the flight cancellation today, I'm little worried. So do not know whether to go ahead with our travel or cancel. Let's see.

20th was my daughter's B'day and we had a great time. Had a B'day dinner and did not get tempted. Now a days its kind of okay. Today is 21st and started with AAM (Add a Meal). Had 80g of Chicken and two tblspoon of mushroom. I'm really thrilled to see my weight tomorrow. May be I would have gained little because I'm adding meals now. I can't wait till tomorrow morning.

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