My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Saturday, 16 December 2006

25th and 26th Days - 15th and 16th Dec 2006

Friday was an average day at work. Average day at diet too. I think I'm getting used to this diet too much now.Good for me...

Saturday was little tough for me because I had a birthday party to attend. I already made up my mind that I'm not going to get tempted with the food and Guess what!!! it was really really easier than I thought. Never got tempted. Just had my coffee with my sweeteners and very little semi skimmed milk as usual (this is little cheating in the diet which I have been doing from the beginning ). Had lots of water because I was continuously talking friends and relatives. I had the side effects of drinking this much water in the night. Had to run to the loo from bed at least three times and I definitely hated it. That's the reason I'm here in front of the computer at 7:00am on a Sunday...Damn Water :(

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