My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Friday, 1 December 2006

11th Day

Today was the best day on my diet. Never felt dizzy or hungry. May be because I had a training from morning till evening and it has distracted me and did not feel anything.

In the evening, had guests at home and cooked for all of them and did not get tempted. May be I've become a very good girl :) or my stomach is planning for something big during the weekend ;)

Let me see how I get through. Yea...Now I remember why today was good. Its because I weighed myself today and I had lost around a stone on the scale at home. But still I do not want to believe this. Because usually the scale at pharmacist and home have always been different. Even in the weight loss...

Tomorrow first thing in the morning I'm meeting my Cambridge Diet Councellor. I'm really happy that I'm switching over to CD. I'll have someone to talk to and can have lots of different flaors...hoooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy

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