My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

15th Day

Today was really boring at work and may be because of that I started thinking about food again. After the first week, today is when I started thinking about food again and was worried about doing this diet for more days.

I should say onething. This diet is definitely life changing and I would suggest anyone who's BMI is dangerous to get into this diet. You get two benefits out of this diet. One you loose your weight and become healthier. Two..It shows how strong you are in mind. It tests your will power. When I started this diet I was thinking that I was not going to do this diet even more than two days. But when I have done it for two weeks it gives confidence on me and my will power.

So if anyone is thinking of doing it please do it and you can definitely see your life changing.

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