My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Thursday, 14 December 2006

22nd and 23rd Day - 12th and 13th Dec2006

I was busy on 12th because I had guests at home. Cooked some nice meals and never ate :)
13th was really easy because I was at client's place which takes me a long time to travel and I think when I'm really really busy I do not think about food.

I tried crisps with my Vegetable soup yeterday night. I won't say I like it though it turned out very good like crisps But it was different. I was getting bored with shakes and soups and bars and this was definitely a different one. It was salty though. Because the powder is for making soup it has salt needed for at least 300ml of water. But when I made it as crisps its salty..But I should do this every now and then.

Because I'm in my 4th week. I can start AAM(Add a Meal) from next tuesday. AAM is a phase for a week. Once you do CD for 4 weeks, you need to add a meal with your usual 3 CD packs for a week that's on the 5ht week. When I say mean do NOT think that its typical meal, but its going to be something like the following:

  • 3oz (80g) portion of white fish
  • 2oz (50g) poultry meat (without skin or fat)
  • 3oz (80g) quorn or tofu
  • 4oz (100g) cottage cheese (reduced fat)
  • 2tbsp 'white or green' vegetables (cooked or raw) such as spring greens, cauliflower, lettuce, mushrooms, cabbage, marrow, broccoli, celery, cress, courgettes or cucumber
This is what the CD site says. But still I think I'm going to enjoy this and still I can loose weight but not as much as when I was eating only the CD packs (its called Sole sourcing (SS)). But its okay

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