My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Saturday, 2 December 2006

12th Day

I joined Cambridge diet today......woohooooooooo!!!!

I met my CDC (Cambridge Diet Councellor) today and got my sachets for next two weeks. Unfortunately scale in her place was not working and could not weigh in. At home it shows that I've lost 14lbs, but its hard to believe because my scale is not a digital one. I am going to order a digital scale online and keep track of my weight myself.

I Love CD food a lot. I had the milk choclate bar and it was wow.... tasty. I did not like the butter scotch shake which I had in the evening. For dinner I had spicy Tomato soup and it was yummy. One more good thing happened today. I tested whether I'm on ketosis today with the Ketostix. If anyone does not know what I'm talking about. Here's the explanation.

Ketosis is a condition in which the body will use the fat for energy and produces ketones as a by-product. This change in metabolism occurs when the body no longer has incoming carbs to produce glycogen and after the liver has been depleted of stored glycogen. Although ketosis has kicked in, this does not mean that body fat is being burnt it could be either body fat or dietary fat.

Ketostix Sticks.

These sticks can be used to find whether you are in Ketosis. This is based on the Ketones present in the urine.

Today when I did this test, I found that my ketostix was showing very light pink and I was worried that my ketosis is not strong enough. But now when I searced on some of the blogs and forums, I found that it depends on the hydration too. So if I'm drinking lots of water it means that my ketones are diluted and its very light pink in colour which is good :-)

I don't have any problems with drinking 4 ltrs of water because I usually drink that much water. I've seen many people struggling with this. One thing I do not understand is different VLCD programs ask the participants to drink different quantities of water. I do not understand the reason. Lipotrim insists on min 4 ltrs of water, CD on 4 Pints of water and LL (lighter life) on 6 ltrs.

Anybody knows why?

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