My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Saturday, 6 January 2007

23 Dec 2006 till 6 Jan 2007- 47 days on diet

Hi Everybody,

I am back after a long hibernation ...But a good one. The hibernation is only for the Blog and not for the diet. Can you believe it....Yes...I did it during my holidays too....

23 Dec – 31 Dec

To start with, I did not travel to Dubai on 23rd as planned because we missed the flight. Wait…Wait…Don’t think that we missed it because we were late or something. We went to the airport got our boarding pass and were standing in the big security checking queue and the queue was moving like an asthmatic dog trying to walk with 3 broken legs L. We saw the status of our gate being closed and asked the employees whether they can prioritize and let us get through the Security gate and you know what they said NO. By the time we went to our gate our gate was closed and we did not travel on that day. It was really annoying and we could not believe it happened. Whatever, because of that we had to re book our tickets to 25th and we travelled on 25th.

Now about the diet, All the 5 days we were in Dubai, I did not have much time to think about diet because we were so busy going around Dubai and doing shopping. May be buying stuff has controlled my appetite. J. It also helped that I was on my AAM (Add a meal) week and was able to eat Chicken. So what I did is, ate two dinners just chicken. It was easy to get Tandoori Chicken, charcoaled chicken or chicken tikka in all the places. The two days, when I decided that I was going to have dinner, I skipped one or two of my packs which gave me around 250calories to consume. So I had enough chicken those days and you know what …hmmmmm…It was really nice to Chew in some food…

So after coming back I checked my weight and I had lost around 2 and half Kgs. Wow!!! I was really really happy. So that’s my holiday story.

31st - 6th Jan

Were normal days. But this week my weight loss was not going that much as I expected it to be. Lets see on Tuesday (9th Jan) where it goes. Becuase usually Tuesdays are my official weighing in day.

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