My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

7th Jan to 9th Jan- 50th Day

As I said on my earlier blog, my weight loss this week did not go that much and today I weighed in as its my official weigh in day and I had lost only 2.5lbs. Which is the lowest weight loss I had on this diet. Usually people say that after AAM week you tend to lose more weight because the metabolic rate would have reset. But not in my case :(

Anyways something is better than Nothing. One more good news is, everybody in my office has noticed my weight loss now and I'm getting lots of compliements which makes me motivated more.
Today is my 50th diet on the diet. Wow!!! I never thought I would reach here. My plan is to do this diet for 100days whether I achieve my target weight or not but stop it at the end of 100days. Lets see whether I can do that...

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