My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Monday, 15 January 2007

13,14,15th Jan 2007- 56 Days

13th and 14th were bit of wierd because I was very tired. More than tiredness I had very terrible leg pain. I do not know whether its related to the diet, but it was so different. The pain just appeared before I went to bed on both days. It might be because I was doing lots of cleaning stuff. Whatever, it was bearable and anyways, I got through those days .

Today the 15th was so very normal. It was so normal that I even forgot to have my lunch soup till 4:00 clock in the evening. The same in the night, I was just closing the kitchen fully and realized that I did not have my dinner soup :). Then I asked my husband to make me soup and he made it.
I have a tip to you all gals who are doing this diet...That is when your other half makes the soup its really delicious...Believe me..I mean it ;)

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