My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Tuesday, 21 November 2006

My First Day of Lipotrim diet

I started with a new diet called Lipotrim. Its food replacement diet and supposed to be faster. I have been doing lots and lots of research about loosing weight on the interenet and got this wonderful diet information and today I started with it.

Now I weigh14St 13lbs and am 5.1' feet in height.My target is to reach 10St.

I'm really thrilled about this new diet which I started today. The diet is, you eat/drink only sachets of shakes or snack bars which you buy from a pharamacist. I think this program is only available in UK. You can have only 3 sachets either of Shakes/Snack bars/ Flapjack bars. You should be drinking lots of water to be precise at least 4 ltrs of water everyday. May that's the reason they say You are not supposed to feel hungry :)

First day(Today) was not very bad. I had a snack bar in the morning which was not very tasty. I thought that the snack bars going to be tastier than the shakes, but I was wrong. In the afternoon I had strawberry milkshake which was really good. This shows how good I am at judging things :o)

Have managed to drink around 2 and half litres of water. My pharmacist said I can have Tea/coffee but without sweetener or milk. But one of my collegue who's doing the same kind of diet said we can have sweeteners. I added little of skimmed milk to my tea to make it look like tea :-; I know that its real cheating. But I wanted to have this luxury when I'm doing this kind of tough diet.

I got inspiration from this site from Janine though she's doing a different diet. Thanks Janine!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sukitha,

I just happened to browse Janine's blog and then came across yours . Good work for a start. Allthe best for the diet.



Anonymous said...

I have been on lipotrim for the past 5 weeks - it will be 6 on monday (2 more days) I have been reading blogs but this is the first time I have said anything.

For all those who criticise it you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Your either the type who are jealous because you couldn't stick to it - or havnt even tried it, sometimes supporting people is far more important that criticising somebody that has the willpower.

For anybody just starting be comforted that everyday is easier than the one before - the first week is by far the worst.

I have lost 1st9lb at my last weigh in - 5wks with an average of 4lbs a week, I have about the same to lose - hopefully I will be finished by xmas!

My motto is "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels".

positivementalattitude said...

Hey, i just started my lipotrim adventure 3 days ago and am finding it tought going, i am enjoying reading the blogs - their certainly giving me the incentive to keep going. I will keep you undated on how i am going - hopefully i will be able to motivate myself and someone else by this. To all of the dieters out there - you are doing it!