My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Wednesday, 29 November 2006

9th Day

Again today I tried out something different. I didn't have any of my sachets today till lunch time. Had my strawberry milkshake for lunch. The hardest part was when there was free Pizza lunch at one of the meetings at work, I could smell Pizza cheese around me and there I was sitting with ugly glass of Shake (full of fibre) :( Still I managed not to sneak in.

I have to mention this really interesting thing happening today in the evening. Because my husband had gone to Manchester today I left work little early and picked up my daughter from her Childminder and there I was standing in front of my house. I was trying to open the door with the key I had and it wouldn't open....Tried harder...No...It won't open...My daughter (3 year old) started giving me advice about how her father opens the door Grrrrrrrrrrrrr....... Tried hard...Still won't open. Took help from neighbours and still not able to open. So I gave up finally and called one of my relative who had spare keys and I waited in a nearby resataurant till she arrived in.

Because I din't want to sit in the restaurant without eating, asked my daughter to eat something and she chose to eat Chicken 65 (Hmmmm.....My favourite)...I was sitting next to her feeding the chicken without putting even small bit into my mouth...I was very proud...(Don't be happy for me..Hear the rest of my story)

My realtive arrived and got the remaining chicked packed and finally got into the house. Again my daughter started eating her chicken and can u guess what I did...Yes...I had a small bit of was delicious. The next bit I put into my mouth and started chewing...then felt guilty and spat it into the bin... So mean....

I am going to be 30 and still do not have control .... I'm ashamed...But its okay... at least I didn't eat the second bit...

So in the evening I had soup and in the night another strawberry milkshake...Not feeling hungry at all...Its just the temptation to eat food and no hunger...I'm happy now

And finally do you want to know why I was not able to open the door...because I was trying to open our house with our old house key.... I would blame it on the diet actually..... lol....

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