My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

26th Jan to 30th Jan - 67th Day till 71st day

As I said I was very busy moving home and settling down in the new house. I had to work really really hard and still managed not to break my diet. But once I swaped my soup with Chicken :)
Today being my official weigh-in day, I could not find the scale in the morning. Just now in the evening I found the scale and guess what it shows that I have put on weight. Usually I know that the weight is more in the evening than in the morning. But still it should not be showing this high. I'm really devasted. I'll let you know the weight after I weigh-in in the tomorrow morning.

Having my fingers crossed till tomorrow morning :( I really want to see some good weight loss.

Thursday, 25 January 2007

24th and 25th Jan - 65 and 66 days

It has taken me nearly 4 days to get rid of the weight I had put on during my chicken binging days :(
I feel very guilty and want to move faster. But this has made me very conscious now and am really worried about my maintenance phase. I've heard many people able to maintain the weight but am not sure how I will succeed on that.

Other than that the diet has become part of my life now and do not have any problems now. No temptation. In fact we had a team lunch at Pizz Express yesterday and did not feel anything. I was cool sitting with people eating pizzas and inhaling the cheese smell.

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

16th to 23rd Jan - 57 to 64 days

I am sorry to have disappeared suddenly without any notice. I was the chosen one to travel to Manchester for a night and was very fortunate to get stuck at Manchester because of the train cancellations due to wind. So had to stay in there for another night and came back the next day evening. I was so tired of the travel and because we are moving home I was busy and tired and did not continue my blogging.

About the diet, I’d been really really naughty these days because I was staying outside. I realized that I have a habit of eating nice food when I stay out. So got tempted and did my maths and almost for 4 days I skipped two of my packs and equivalently had chicken (either grilled or Tandoori). You know what!!! Inititally it worked out very good BUT….yesterday when I weighed myself I had gained .4kgs :(

So am back to SSing now from yesterday. I started feeling very guilty. My husband was saying that I fiddling around the diet with over confidence and should not be doing it. Once in his life, I agree to what my husband is saying :) (Hope he doesn’t read this) So this week’s weight loss was just 1.7lbs… :( I’m obviously not very happy about it.

This shows that I need more self-control and also gives me an idea of how difficult its going to be when I get into maintenance. So, let me be prepared to it. So my aim is to lose as much as weight as possible now so that when I start gaining it, it will be at least slower and hope I will never get back to the weight at which I started.

Notice: Because we are moving home, I might be on and off this blog. But I’ll see to it that I’ll give the full update :)

Monday, 15 January 2007

13,14,15th Jan 2007- 56 Days

13th and 14th were bit of wierd because I was very tired. More than tiredness I had very terrible leg pain. I do not know whether its related to the diet, but it was so different. The pain just appeared before I went to bed on both days. It might be because I was doing lots of cleaning stuff. Whatever, it was bearable and anyways, I got through those days .

Today the 15th was so very normal. It was so normal that I even forgot to have my lunch soup till 4:00 clock in the evening. The same in the night, I was just closing the kitchen fully and realized that I did not have my dinner soup :). Then I asked my husband to make me soup and he made it.
I have a tip to you all gals who are doing this diet...That is when your other half makes the soup its really delicious...Believe me..I mean it ;)

Friday, 12 January 2007

12th Jan 2007-53rd Day

I was very happy in the morning when I weighed myself. In fact I weigh myself every day in the morning. Today I was 79.6Kgs. Touching seventies was something I had never dreamt of and it was a surprise for me because I'd lost one Kg in a day. I was initially thinking that my rate of weight loss was going down. But today I was proved wrong and am really happy.

10th and 11th Jan 2007 - 51 and 52 Days

On 10th evening I becamse little naughty and wanted to have chickent. Even though it was not my AAM week, I wanted to eat. It all started when I was walking along with my husband back from work to home. Smelled roasted chicken from Lahore Chicken point from the quite cold windy air...(Its all the smell and wind's fault and not mine :)) So bought roasted chicken, thought of missing my dinner soup and have equivalent Chicken. Surprisingly, by the dinner time all my cravings had gone. But still thought I can have little of chicken for my dinner instead of soup. So had very little chicken and guess what...I was feeling full with that. So no problem.

11th was very normal except for the little guilty feeling. But this diet has taught me to eat right portions. It has made me conscious about what I am eating. I love this diet and people!!! Remember if you are thinking of doing something about weight. Please do it now...I mean just now. Don't wait for anything...This diet is really amazing. I've reached my weight which I was before my pregnancy and I never thought I could ever do it. Here I've done it..... :)

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

7th Jan to 9th Jan- 50th Day

As I said on my earlier blog, my weight loss this week did not go that much and today I weighed in as its my official weigh in day and I had lost only 2.5lbs. Which is the lowest weight loss I had on this diet. Usually people say that after AAM week you tend to lose more weight because the metabolic rate would have reset. But not in my case :(

Anyways something is better than Nothing. One more good news is, everybody in my office has noticed my weight loss now and I'm getting lots of compliements which makes me motivated more.
Today is my 50th diet on the diet. Wow!!! I never thought I would reach here. My plan is to do this diet for 100days whether I achieve my target weight or not but stop it at the end of 100days. Lets see whether I can do that...

Saturday, 6 January 2007

23 Dec 2006 till 6 Jan 2007- 47 days on diet

Hi Everybody,

I am back after a long hibernation ...But a good one. The hibernation is only for the Blog and not for the diet. Can you believe it....Yes...I did it during my holidays too....

23 Dec – 31 Dec

To start with, I did not travel to Dubai on 23rd as planned because we missed the flight. Wait…Wait…Don’t think that we missed it because we were late or something. We went to the airport got our boarding pass and were standing in the big security checking queue and the queue was moving like an asthmatic dog trying to walk with 3 broken legs L. We saw the status of our gate being closed and asked the employees whether they can prioritize and let us get through the Security gate and you know what they said NO. By the time we went to our gate our gate was closed and we did not travel on that day. It was really annoying and we could not believe it happened. Whatever, because of that we had to re book our tickets to 25th and we travelled on 25th.

Now about the diet, All the 5 days we were in Dubai, I did not have much time to think about diet because we were so busy going around Dubai and doing shopping. May be buying stuff has controlled my appetite. J. It also helped that I was on my AAM (Add a meal) week and was able to eat Chicken. So what I did is, ate two dinners just chicken. It was easy to get Tandoori Chicken, charcoaled chicken or chicken tikka in all the places. The two days, when I decided that I was going to have dinner, I skipped one or two of my packs which gave me around 250calories to consume. So I had enough chicken those days and you know what …hmmmmm…It was really nice to Chew in some food…

So after coming back I checked my weight and I had lost around 2 and half Kgs. Wow!!! I was really really happy. So that’s my holiday story.

31st - 6th Jan

Were normal days. But this week my weight loss was not going that much as I expected it to be. Lets see on Tuesday (9th Jan) where it goes. Becuase usually Tuesdays are my official weighing in day.