My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Thursday, 30 November 2006

10th Day

I did not go to work today and was at home with my daughter.

All these days I have noticed that, when I'm doing this diet I am okay the whole of day time. But around 5 in the evening I start feeling tired and dizzy. It lasts till I go to bed. I don't know whether its just psychological or its physical. Whatever it is, I need to cope up and I will....

Today was easy other than the evening tiredness and dizziness. Got a call from work and got to know that from monday I might have to travel to a client place which takes more than an hour on the tube which I really hate :( I'm worried about continuing the diet when I'm travelling. Let's see. I just want to take one at a time and loose my 69lbs....

Wednesday, 29 November 2006

9th Day

Again today I tried out something different. I didn't have any of my sachets today till lunch time. Had my strawberry milkshake for lunch. The hardest part was when there was free Pizza lunch at one of the meetings at work, I could smell Pizza cheese around me and there I was sitting with ugly glass of Shake (full of fibre) :( Still I managed not to sneak in.

I have to mention this really interesting thing happening today in the evening. Because my husband had gone to Manchester today I left work little early and picked up my daughter from her Childminder and there I was standing in front of my house. I was trying to open the door with the key I had and it wouldn't open....Tried harder...No...It won't open...My daughter (3 year old) started giving me advice about how her father opens the door Grrrrrrrrrrrrr....... Tried hard...Still won't open. Took help from neighbours and still not able to open. So I gave up finally and called one of my relative who had spare keys and I waited in a nearby resataurant till she arrived in.

Because I din't want to sit in the restaurant without eating, asked my daughter to eat something and she chose to eat Chicken 65 (Hmmmm.....My favourite)...I was sitting next to her feeding the chicken without putting even small bit into my mouth...I was very proud...(Don't be happy for me..Hear the rest of my story)

My realtive arrived and got the remaining chicked packed and finally got into the house. Again my daughter started eating her chicken and can u guess what I did...Yes...I had a small bit of was delicious. The next bit I put into my mouth and started chewing...then felt guilty and spat it into the bin... So mean....

I am going to be 30 and still do not have control .... I'm ashamed...But its okay... at least I didn't eat the second bit...

So in the evening I had soup and in the night another strawberry milkshake...Not feeling hungry at all...Its just the temptation to eat food and no hunger...I'm happy now

And finally do you want to know why I was not able to open the door...because I was trying to open our house with our old house key.... I would blame it on the diet actually..... lol....

Tuesday, 28 November 2006

8th Day

Looks like I'm getting obsessed with reading forums on VLCD(Very Low Calories Diet) now. But these forums are really really motivating and inspiring. Today was better. I finished drinking my 4 ltrs by afternoon and was not feeling hungry. But I have this dizzy feeling all day along. I don't know why...But its manageable.

Today I was thinking of changing from Lipotrim to Cambridge diet(CD). The reasons are
1. I pay the same price for CD food packets
2. I will get a councellor who will help with my doubts and motivating me
3. I'm getting bored with Lipotrim food sachets. they don't come in many flavours as CD ones. I read on forums that they are tastier than LT (Lipotrim) sachets...

I've fixed an appt with a CD councellor near my area for saturday. I'm longing to have some tasty food even though I'm dietting...After all my tongue has some tasting buds too ;-)

Monday, 27 November 2006

7th day

Today was a very soberday. Though I was not hungry, I was really tired and light headed. Today I tried mixing little of choclate shake with my Cardboard tasting flapjack and it was nice...Invention of the day...Hooray!!!!

Came back little early from office and cooked lots of stuff and guess what did not put any stuff into my mouth... :)) Strong woman!!! Feeling better...May be ketosis has kicked in.Thanks for that Lipotrim

Sunday, 26 November 2006

6th Day of diet -Had handful of rice :(

Doing this diet during weekends is very very tough. I was about to cry when I had to control myself from eating food

Both on saturday and today I had little of rice when I was cooking. I felt really guilty after that. God!!! this is really terrible not to eat when I am cooking food. I was listening to the audio cassette which my pharmacist gave and it clearly says that this is food addiction and I completely agree with it.

I've been drinking coffee and tea with very little skimmed milk in it. I know that its cheating and but I cannot drink black coffee/tea. Today is 6th day of my diet and went to weigh my weight because I cannot go on weekdays and I've lost 7lbs. Thats really rewarding. So this diet has been rewarding though, I've been cheating it .

But I've decided to control myself from eating rice anymore...Let me see

Saturday, 25 November 2006

5th Day

I am sitting in front of this computer mainly because I cooked lunch and was tempted to eat. So I am trying to motivate myself by reading blogs and forums. Hope I will get through this :(

Suddenly, I started worrying about onething. I can manage and loose some weight if its for a short term but how long can I be like this. What if I start gaining weight after I go into normal food. So why should I be struggling to loose this weight which anyways I am going to gain. May be I'm trying to convince myself to eat...

Tomorrow I'll update how my day went

4th day

It was better because I was busy at work. I had a slight temptation to eat during lunch because it was a free lunch :) but managed not eating. A Pat on my shoulder

Thursday, 23 November 2006

3r day -Part 2

Today in the evening I started feeling hungry, tired, irritated and what not and when I was coming back from work with my husband I started saying that I am going to eat something when I reach home. But he was trying to convince me not to eat anything and was saying that I have done it for 3 days with so much effort and need to go through these weak minutes. When we were back at home, he prepared a big MUG :-; of tea and it helped to curb my temptation...Thanks to him.

Its 9:54 pm and am feeling okay now. The only problem after I've started this diet is, sleep. I am not able to sleep in the nights. Though I feel very tired and lie on the bed, am not able to sleep properly. Hopefully things will change...Waiting for it to get better....

My Third Day of Lipotrim diet

Today is my third day and I am already getting bored of this food now. It may be because work is not that hectic as yesterday. The main thing I hate in this diet is , the metallic feeling in my mouth. It feels as if you are really sick. Not very good feeling :(
I managed to eat only half of my flapjack in the morning and I'm holding onto my next half to eat in the evening. Ususally evenings I feel energyless. So I'm trying this today.

Though I am managing to drink more than 4 ltrs of water, its sometimes boring. Its already boring on my 3rd day and I don't know how I'm going to continue it. Yesterday in the morning when I checked my weight I had lost 3lbs (Wow for second day). But when I checked it again in the evening, I haven't lost any weight :( (May be the machine is wrong and I've really lost that 3lbs lol...) I got worried and was asking my husband at 11:00pm (while he was sleeping) that Why I am not loosing any weight and he said 'For god's sake its just your 2nd day..... :)

Today in the morning I checked and it shows that 3lbs less. So same as yesterday in the morning. Hopefully its lesser tomorrow in the morning...Fingers crossed....

Wednesday, 22 November 2006

My Second Day of Lipotrim diet

Today was better than the first day mainly because I was busy at work. I just had my Flapjack for breakfast, Chicken soup for lunch and Strawberry shake for dinner.
Watched Desperate Housewives and am goin to go to bed now and am not feeling hungry :-)
May be I need to wait for it to become worse... I hate this metallic taste in my mouth.

Tuesday, 21 November 2006

My First Day of Lipotrim diet

I started with a new diet called Lipotrim. Its food replacement diet and supposed to be faster. I have been doing lots and lots of research about loosing weight on the interenet and got this wonderful diet information and today I started with it.

Now I weigh14St 13lbs and am 5.1' feet in height.My target is to reach 10St.

I'm really thrilled about this new diet which I started today. The diet is, you eat/drink only sachets of shakes or snack bars which you buy from a pharamacist. I think this program is only available in UK. You can have only 3 sachets either of Shakes/Snack bars/ Flapjack bars. You should be drinking lots of water to be precise at least 4 ltrs of water everyday. May that's the reason they say You are not supposed to feel hungry :)

First day(Today) was not very bad. I had a snack bar in the morning which was not very tasty. I thought that the snack bars going to be tastier than the shakes, but I was wrong. In the afternoon I had strawberry milkshake which was really good. This shows how good I am at judging things :o)

Have managed to drink around 2 and half litres of water. My pharmacist said I can have Tea/coffee but without sweetener or milk. But one of my collegue who's doing the same kind of diet said we can have sweeteners. I added little of skimmed milk to my tea to make it look like tea :-; I know that its real cheating. But I wanted to have this luxury when I'm doing this kind of tough diet.

I got inspiration from this site from Janine though she's doing a different diet. Thanks Janine!!!