My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Friday, 23 February 2007

21st to 23rd Feb- 93rd to 95th Day

Quite normal these days. But kind of getting bored or having some cravings. Though the cravings are not very bad, I am thinking about the day I should be stopping.

One more thing to worry about is my husband is able to continue his diet without any problem. The best or worst part is he did not even suffer like me during the initial days. He usually loves food and he's more of a carb person than me. So I kept telling him that he'll have a hard time. BUT he's actually very easy with it. I think this diet gives people surprises in all the ways. He's also having a good weight loss. OK. Let me stop talking about my husband's diet here. This is my blog and not his blog :)

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

16th to 20th Feb - 88th day to 92nd day

These days have been better. On friday had a good dinner with my family at a restaurant. But was conscious about what I was eating. I just wanted to do it because I was getting so bored and wanted a change. I had two small spring rolls ....Wow they tasted soooooooooooooooooo good. Anyways, havent lost much weight this week there could be so many reasons for it.

One more news is my husband has started this diet from yesterday and I have already challenged him saying he's not going to continue. I will get a Nanpod if he fails to continue the diet and if he continues he'll get one. So all of u please wish me luck in my mission to stop my husband from succefully doing the diet :-).... I was just kidding.

I am happy that he's also doing it...Lets see whether we emerge as a slim couple from this CD.

Thursday, 15 February 2007

7th Feb to 15th Feb - 79th to 87th Day

I am really sorry about the discontinuity in my blogging (If at all anyone is reading it regularly :) )
Its because I just moved home and do not have broadband yet.

All these days my diet has been going really really smooth. Have learnt to alter the diet the way I want by eating little grilled chicken or chickent curry when I get really tempted and the good news is its not doing any harm to the ketosis.

This week I lost 2.2 Kgs and I am in cloud nine after seeing scale yesterday. I do not feel much tired these days and this diet has become kind of part of my life and part of people who I work with too. Because I'm usually a loose talker I explain the diet to everyone I talk to(Whether they are interested in listening to me or not) Free advertisment for Cambridge Diet now.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

3rd Feb-6th Feb - 75th to 78th Day

I have started feeling better. But the weight loss is not that great. This week I've lost only 1.1Lbs, the lowest loss I ever had. I did not eat anything other than the two days where I had little grilled chicken nibbles. I'm really devastated because when I move to 790 plan I'm allowed to 175gm of chicken. If this little nibbles lead to weight increase then 790 may not work out for me which means maintenance is going to be more tough. Let me do SS this week traditionally and see whether the weight loss is same and make any conclusions on that.

One more good news is my dress sizes have gone from 20-22 to size 16. I'm so happy. I could see myself on the size clothese which I never thought I would be able to wear.

Friday, 2 February 2007

2nd Feb - 74th Day

Still not feeling okat. Same hunger pangs, cravings and tiredness. More than all that mentally I'm down because of these stuff. Yesterday at home, I was trying to be very upset and was getting angry for everything. That's really not good for either me or for the family. So I need to do something about it. I wanted to complete at least 100days of SSing and then start doing 790 or any other plan but I think its not going to work. But I'll see to it that I acheive my goal weight by doing one or the other plan before my birthday in May this year. :)

1st Feb - 73rd Day

Today has been a very difficult day for me. Was feeling very tired and hungry and cravings. I really do not know why its like that. I checked my ketosis and I'm still in ketosis.

Tonight I seriously started thinking about doing 790plan. The diet I'm doing is Sole Source(SS) where I have CD packs which give me around 500 calories and 790 plan allows all three packs as usual and for the rest 300 calories I can have some high-protein food. CD books says that I will still be in Ketosis and can lose weight when I'm doing 790. Let me think about it and decide whether I want to move to 790. Most probably I will.

Thursday, 1 February 2007

31st Jan - 72nd Day

I think I’m on the hungry and temptation cycle this week. Today I started feeling very hungry often and was getting tempted to eat food. I’ve noticed that its like a cycle where I have these hungry pangs and then its gone for few weeks. Now that I’ve lost some weight, I’m getting tempted to stop the diet. But u know what…I will not give up till I reach my goal weight

I usually drink tea when I feel hungry. I bought some calcium tablets from boots today to boost my weight loss and increase the strength of my bones. Lets see how it works out. Did I tell that I had around 3lbs loss…It was not like I was scared. So am happy.