My weight Journey

On 136th Day of CDing

Thursday, 1 March 2007

24th Feb to 1st Mar - 96th to 101 days

I completed 100days of this diet yesterday. Started with Lipotrim for two weeks and moved to CD SS and completed 100days yesterday. Have lost 49lbs in these 100 days. Average of .5lbs a day which is not bad.

Never fell ill during these 100days and finally on 99th day was down with Flu and could not do anything. Because the packs provide very balanced diet I think my immunity has increased and could feel lots of difference in my skin but at the end got flu now. Since I am taking medication, I've started eating little of rice in addition to my pack and I am sure I can get back to SSing in a day or two when I recover completely to lose the rest of 20lbs. I want to say onething to anyone who's thinking about this diet, If I can do this, anyone can do this. So please keep doing it and you will be happy as me in few days

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